Burning calories is essential in weight loss and health.

1AugDecember 23, 20210
Optimum Physical Fitness
To be considered physically fit, you must train the body in cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, plus achieve a healthy body-fat percentage. Your fitness routine must take into account training principles such as specificity (each area must be trained separately), overload (you must safely overload the body to achieve results), and adaptation (the amount of overload must be periodically adjusted as the body gets more fit). To achieve optimum results, the frequency, duration and intensity of the training program must be monitored. It’s a lot to keep up with, but the Inch-Bye-Inch circuit workout is designed to help you achieve an optimum level of physical fitness.
A Complete Fitness Program
Inch-Bye-Inch Fitness Gym offers a complete fitness program incorporating cardiovascular, muscular strength and flexibility training into a single workout. Members alternate upper and lower body strength training exercises with aerobic stations, all set to music to keep you going at a good PACE. At the end of your exercise session, you will have maintained your target heart rate, exercised every major muscle group through a broad range of motion, and burned more calories than almost any other workout!
Exercise, Tan, Sauna
At Inch-Bye-Inch Fitness Gym, you get our entire facility, 24 hours a day for one low price of $29 per month when billed to your debit or credit card. Access is by code.
1223 Virginia Ave, North Bend | (541) 756-5222